Get Option Trading Alerts in Real Time by Text or Email
All our trade alerts have a backtested statistical edge.

Option Trade Alerts Service
At Stock Market Guides, we offer an options picking service where an alert is sent for each new pick we make. We use historical statistics to help you buy low and sell high in the stock market using options.
Our options service only features option trading opportunities that have a quantitative back-tested edge. We don’t shoot from the hip with trade ideas here. We rely exclusively on the data.
This ensures that if you get an option trade alert, it’s because there is a trade opportunity that has a track record of success in backtests.
Option Trade Alerts
Here’s an example of what one of our option trade alerts looks like. Each alert indicates the full scope of the trade idea for those who want to follow it: the option ticker symbol, when to buy it, and when to sell it.

(sample trade alert)
You can see that our option trade alert reflects a specific trading strategy and time frame. It also shows how that strategy has performed historically according to backtests, both in terms of wins, losses, and return on investment.
We feel that if we’re going to try to offer the best option alerts possible, they need to be easy to follow, have a track record of success, and be transparent.

(sample trade alert)
Performance of Option Trade Alerts
We’re well qualified to be doing statistical research on the historical performance of options. We have years of experience doing stock market research and use a rigorous statistical process for testing each options trading strategy we feature.
Here is the performance of our option trading service in backtests:
Option Picks:
Backtest Results
Avg. Annualized Return
Please note that this performance information is not based on live trades, but on backtests, which have important limitations.
Trading options in the stock market involves risk, even when trade setups have a strong history of profitability. You can dial your risk down or up by adjusting your position sizing or the number of trades you take.
The more risk that’s taken, the higher the potential for drawdowns. You can also start out by paper trading stocks to get a feel for the trades before putting real money at risk.
Features of Our Options Service
Anyone who signs up for our Option Trade Alerts Service gets access to all these features:
Pre-Market Option Picks
These are option picks we share before the stock market opens. They are typically sent at 5:30 a.m. Eastern Time, about four hours before the opening bell.
These option picks cater well to people who are not able to manage option trades during the workday. Subscribers can use the trade alerts to set up trades before the market opens.
Market Hours Option Picks
These are option picks we share throughout the trading day during normal stock market hours. You get real-time alerts as each new option pick gets published.
These cater well to people who are available throughout the day to manage trades.
Guidance from Option Trading Experts
We have option trading experts who offer commentary on a regular basis regarding both our option picks and the general state of the market. Their commentary gets sent out to the group in an email newsletter.
These experts are readily available for any questions you might have along the way.
Preferred Trade Durations:
Eric is a Senior Consultant for Stock Market Guides and has years of experience doing both stock market research and active trading. He’s a Stanford graduate with a knack for numbers. Statistical research is one of his specialties. He’s backtested thousands of trading strategies in an effort to find out which ones truly perform the best. One of his standout trading achievements is growing his trading account more than 60% in a single month from doing option trades. He also once had a month where his win-loss record with stock trades was 32 wins and 3 losses. He enjoys practicing mindfulness to stay grounded when trading. He has a family with three kids.
Preferred Trade Durations:
Andy has been doing stock market research for several years. He creates algorithms that look for tendencies in the ways that prices move in the market. His research helped him gain a deep understanding of the types of trading strategies that have typically done well over the long haul. Andy is a math whiz who loves working with numbers. He has a wife and two kids.
Option Watch List
Our option picking service gives you access to our Watch List. Every trade alert we send for our Market Hours Stock Picks comes from the Watch List.
This gives subscribers a way to prepare in advance for trade alerts that might be coming down the pipeline.
Options Alerts That Are Easy to Follow

Trade alerts for our Pre-Market Option Picks are sent by email before the market opens. Trade alerts for our Market Hours Option Picks are sent in real time by either text or email, depending on your preference.
Our trade alerts show you a specific trade idea that indicates exactly when to buy the option and when to sell the option. You can be alerted when the trade ends, too.
We tell you the exact option for the alert, including the ticker symbol, strike price, and expiration date.
We also show you a history of how that options trading strategy has performed in backtests for that ticker. Then you simply decide whether to buy or not.
Alerts for Many Types of Options Trades
At Stock Market Guides, we offer a wide variety of options trading opportunities that you can consider. Here are some examples of different types of trades that you can get alerts for:
Trade Length
- You can get swing trade alerts or alerts for longer-term positions.
Trade Type
- You can get options alerts for everything from pullback trades to earnings trades.
Option Cost
- You can filter trade alerts by the price of the option.
The quantity of option picks we offer will fluctuate each day based on market conditions. Many days there will be several option alerts to choose from. Some days, there might be none.
The options we feature are typically for companies that have significant market capitalizations, which means they are normally for major, well-established companies. They’re also typically for companies that offer weekly options.
Rather than spending a lot of time each day in front of a computer screen trying to make sense of an options chain or trying to figure out which options to trade, you can get these trade alerts and spend just minutes per day making your trades.
Options Strategies We Feature
The options alerts we send are for simple call option purchases.
Based on the research we’ve done here at Stock Market Guides, deep in-the-money options might offer the best opportunity to capitalize on the backtested edges we’ve found. Our goal is to give you the best odds of making a profit, so that’s why we feature those types of option strategies exclusively.
Also, we don’t send alerts for buying put options. Of all the research we’ve done, we’ve never found a long-term mechanical edge to buying puts.
So you won’t find us sending alerts for exotic options strategies like iron condors or broken-wing butterflies. Our research doesn’t support it, and that might be a good thing for many people because it keeps our option trade alerts very simple.
Weekly Options Trading Service
We offer a weekly options trading service. This means that the options we feature in our trade alerts are normally ones with “weekly” expiration dates.
There are typically multiple trade alerts per day, and the trades are designed to be held for a variety of different time periods.
Some options traders might like to hold their positions for just a day, while others might like to hold them for a year. Some are in between. Our service accommodates them all. You can choose to get alerts for any of these trade durations:
3 days
1 week
2 weeks
1 month
3 months
1 year
Learn Options Trading
If you don’t know exactly what an option is or don’t know how to trade an option, you can check out our free options guide for beginners.
Once you sign up for the service, you’ll also find tutorials that teach our options trading strategies in detail so that you can learn to trade them on your own if you want.
They teach not only the trade setup from the chart itself, but they also teach how to pick a strike price and expiration date that capitalize on the backtested edge.
Our goal is to make sure that no matter what your expertise level is, you will have the tools to be able to successfully follow our option trade alerts. And if questions come up along the way, you can contact us any time and we’ll be ready to help.
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Customer Testimonials
"I am really enjoying the new service and feel like it is going to be attractive to novice and intermediate investors. You do a fantastic job of providing both simplicity and education for those who want to learn more."
Jeff from Tennessee
"I very much appreciate you taking the time to make a video to explain the pattern set-up. I only joined the service last week, but I am very impressed with the level of customer service you provide."
Gary from Virginia
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